The Davedi - Catering, weddings, stag and does, conference meetings and dinners, business meetings, entertainment events, christmas parties, momma devedi frozen foods, friday lunches and special events

Club Action 50+ East Ferris Summer Games - Saturday June 8th

Sat. Jun. 08, 2024 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
East Ferris Community Centre & Arena
Village Road
Astorville ON
Welcome all area adults 50+
Choice of 12 games, 4 challenges, Muscle Car Show
Speaker Nicky Poulin "Move Your Muscles"
$30 fee includes breakfast, lunch, social, prizes & FUN!
Early Bird Registration by May 24th for special draw, Registration form @ Facebook Club Action 50+ East Ferris or area libraries
Information 705-752-2215
Contact the Organizer